Pure Punk Media: an Origin Story

Who is she??? Why did she start a blog?

A tired college student. A busy schedule. Hours and hours of work, class, friends, and finally sleep. Wake up the next day, and do it all over again.

That’s me in a nutshell. My name is Dia, and welcome to Pure Punk Media.

WordPress suggests publishing an introductory post, and while I wasn’t originally planning on it, they are the experts at this, so maybe it’s not such a bad idea. 

Why did I start this blog? Because as a young adult with a life that is ever-changing, the one constant passion in my life has been pop punk music. Through moving cities, living in different bedrooms, changing my major, entering new friendships and relationships, adopting new habits, and altering my personal style and appearance, the music I love has always been there to pick me up at the end of the day. Ever since I was 14 years old, these bands have meant the world to me, and I’ve decided that it’s time to turn this passion into action.

Through this blog I will provide news and updates, opinions, reviews, and recommendations about the bands that make this scene so special. Follow along as I learn the ins and outs of blogging and carving out a presence in this fast-paced world.

Why a blog instead of a Youtube Channel, or some other form of social media? A blog is most fitting for me because for as long as I can remember, I have been documenting things in writing. In elementary school I would write fictional stories inspired by my life and my friends, in middle school I started journaling, and now I still write here and there while I can on social media, physical paper, and an electronic journal. I am a fourth-year journalism student, so I have a solid overview of news writing, AP style, interview etiquette, and all the other boring specifics they teach you in those intro courses.

Who would I love to connect with through this blog? I have a few answers to this. First off, I would love to connect with bands by hopefully doing interviews one day. Second, I would love to become affiliated with some of the bigger names in alternative media, such as Alternative Press, Kerrang, and Rock Sound; I have been reading and obsessing over their publications, ripping the little posters out of the magazines, and finding new music through them since I was a teenager, so to one day partner with them would be surreal. Finally, I would like to connect with people who are like me. I hope this blog gives me a path to connect with fans who feel as deeply about this music, these bands, and this scene as I do. As a woman of color, I don’t see myself represented much in this community, so I hope to build a platform where I can uplift more writers and musicians with unique voices and styles to keep punk inclusive.

So now you know my why, but if you want to know me, here’s a quick peek.





  • 2010
  • 2018
  • 2016
  • 2014
  • 2012

Wanna talk music? Leave a comment below and I will get back to you!

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